
Corduroy Paving


DDA Compliant Corduroy Tactile Paving  – Can be produced to your requirements.

  • Can be made to any size*.
  • Not limited to 400x400mm tiles.
  • Can be made to curves any radii.
  • Available in Natural Yorkshire Stone.
  • Cut and shaped and profiled in house by our skilled Stone Masons.​

*some limitations on maximum sizes apply

Typical cordury profile.
Available in the following stone types:
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Corduroy Paving

What is a Corduroy Tactile Paving?
Bingley Stone produce a range of DDA compliant products from any of our range of natural stones and using our state of the art CNC Milling capabilities. DDA (disability discrimination act) compliance, means where required products have to be installed that comply with the disability discrimination act. UK Building Regulations lay out the requirements for all the DDA specific requirements. Often these requirements are met with standard, off the shelf concrete products but Bingley Stone are able to produce high quality versions of these DDA compliant product in natural stone.
Bingley Stone’s DDA compliant tactile products offer high degree of longevity coupled with aesthetic beauty meaning no longer is is necessary to include concrete products within a natural stone scheme.

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